My Pilates Nook @ home

How do we learn, progress and get stronger? Repetition is the key and doing Pilates @home is the best way to add in an extra session or more and perfect for when we work away or on holiday.

On-Demand Classes are available to rent for 24 hours for $10 or you can subscribe for unlimited access to all classes, live-recorded, programs, challenges and tutorials for $30 a month with the first week free.

Enjoy and let’s keep building connections, mobility and strength together.

Pilates Tutorials

We always give homework to our studio clients and find often they may forget it or unsure how to do the exercise once they have left the studio. We have filmed a few tutorials for the basic exercises that we often give as homework. Your instructor will let you know which ones to do, and we have also a few short classes that are focused on specific areas of the body. These videos are designed as a compliment to your regular sessions and only to be done if your instructor has advised. If you experience any pain please stop and discuss with your instructor at your next session.

Bent Knee Opening

Arm Arcs

Dead Bugs/Toe Taps

Side to Side

Chest Lifts


Book Openings

Thoracic Extension


Postnatal Breath/Connection


Seated Roll Back


Seated Rotator Cuff

Side lying Glutes

Side - Rotator Cuff

Seated Spinal Flow

Side Lift

Feet Stretch & Toe Split

Feet Release and Toe Exercise


Rock & Walk